Article about media education in our Vincerola facility in Aachen - "There's an elephant in our group" / Best practice examples from the KiTa
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Sustainability in the nursery
St. Nicholas Charity Spring 2018, Montessori International Issue 124
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Danish article: Ikke tenk for mye! (Don't think too much!)
Norsk Montessori Forbund Magazine 2017
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Special to World of the Child, Tips for Practice From frogspawn to frog pond - a biotope is created
World of the Child (Welt des Kindes), Issue 3 May/June 2016
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Kids Created a Pond in the Kindergarten, in German
Wochenspiegel, 22. November 2014
Paradise for frogs and children, in German
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 6. November 2014
Welt des Kindes (A Child's World, in German)
Special issue to Welt des Kindes, tipps for creating a frog pond: the generation of a biotope
Überzeugend (Convincing, in German)
markt + wirtschaft (today IHKplus) in the Year 2005, issue 1